All FAQs (Helpie FAQ)

Sample of All FAQs (Helpie FAQ)

Helpie FAQ

  • What versions of PHP do you support?

    Our servers support PHP versions 7.1 to 8.2 as of September/23.
    By default we will always provision your service with the latest available PHP version available unless otherwise specified.

    If you would like to change PHP versions we are more than happy to set this for you.

    We do not support older PHP 5.x on our primary web-hosting fleet, however we are more than happy to explore alternative options such as converting your older site to static HTLM files or putting it on its own server.

  • Do you have restrictions on WordPress plugins?

    We do not have any restrictions on WordPress plugins given they are within our acceptable use policy and do not impact other users.

  • Do you support email?

    At this time we do not include email hosting as part of our free email hosting packages and restrict outbound mail from the server to prevent abuse.

    We strongly recommend setting up a free 3rd party SMTP provider such as SendGrid or SMTP2GO for outgoing mail from the site.

    For Email Hosting we recommend

  • Are you able to migrate my existing site?

    We can certainly assist you in migrating your site for free from your old host. Just raise a support ticket with us or specify during sign-up.

  • Do you sell my data or share it with third parties?

    Absolutly not. Under no circumstances will we ever sell your data or share your information with anyone outside the ‘Cosmos Hosting’ brand except if required by law or to troubleshoot an issue with your permission.

  • Do You put Ads On My Site?

    Never, we will never modify your site files or tamper with your traffic in any way.

  • Where Are Your Servers Located?

    Our web-hosting servers are located in Germany as it offers strong data protections, easy access to our technicians and cost-effective infrastructure costs.

    Additional FREE hosting locations are being considered and will be rolled out as we grow.

    If you prefer hosting in a certain country, please contact us as we can explore options or point you in the direction of a recommended hosting partner.

  • Is WordPress Free?

    Yes, WordPress itself is 100% however 3rd party developers may charge for their plugins or themes.
    There are thousands of high-quality free themes and plugins for almost all purposes.

    If you cannot find what you are after, feel free to reach out by raising a ticket.

  • Do you offer DNS hosting?

    At this time we do not provide hosting.

    If you would like to manage the DNS yourself we strongly recommend you point your DNS using Cloudflare or use your registrar’s included DNS hosting. We are more than happy to assist you with this process if you have any questions.

  • Do you include SSL Certificates?

    Absolutely, every site we host includes a FREE LetsEncrypt certificate which renews automatically to provide your site visitors with a secure connection to the server and padlock in the browser.

    We are more than happy to install a third-party SSL certificate or CloudFlare Origin certificate free of charge.

  • Do you offer domain registration?

    At this point in time, we do not offer domain registration as we cannot offer it any cheaper than what you can purchase it for. We recommend the registrar PorkBun who offers cost-effective pricing and a wide range of domain options.

    Our hosting service is compatible with domains registered with any provider.

  • Does Cosmos Hosting include backups?

    All sites hosted by ‘Cosmos Hosting’ are backed up at-least weekly to an offsite server. Paid ‘Galaxy’ web hosting services are backed up at-least daily.

    This backup can be restored or provided at no cost by raising a support ticket. Please note restoring a backup will revert any changes back to when the site was backed up.

    We strongly recommend you take your own backups of the site and hold no responsibility for your data or the availability of a backup.